a noncomprehensive list of cats all of whom i love deeply


I meant, said Ipslore bitterly, what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

- Sir Terry Pratchett
aka rabbit
A carpark cat who is known for intentionally falling over while being petted. Despite being frail and elderly, has a very powerful meow to demand attention.
aka hiss
A carpark cat who is known for loving dirty things like motorbikes, often ending up covered in grease and dirt. Always hungry, usually (but not always) up for butt pats, expert at mewing pathetically to elicit sympathy.
orange cat
A rare boi only seen very early in the morning on the promenade. Likes pats and drinking kopi out of discarded bags.
special fluffy friendo located on 2nd floor.
so named because of a tendency to hide inside car engine blocks and among bicycles. Looks like a very kind owl.
known for violently whapping his tail at all times regardless of his actual mood. Possibly Mechanic's sibling.
white cat
a tiny and very friendly suspected siamese mix who seems to be a neighbor of Mechanic and Swash.
aka the jar fairy
dark tortie who hangs out in the void deck of the block outside the round park. we were once friends but she has since forgotten us.
fake lulu
looks exactly like lulu but found (only once) in a different part of the neighborhood.
small tabby-and-white whose favorite chill spot is the pothos plants in the void deck.